Our commitment to environmental responsibility

The Green Drive strategy was launched in June 2021. A subsequent update to the strategy was issued in October 2022, announcing the Tour’s signature to the United Nations Sports for Climate Action pledge with the aim to reach Net Zero by 2040.

This resulted in an increased drive to reduce carbon emissions, and at selected events credibly offset via the Gold Standard. Some of our key areas for consideration and targets are: Locally sourced suppliers, Cleaner energy to power our events - renewable grid power, solar, HVO and hydrogen, Zero waste to landfill, Free drinking water for all, reducing single use plastics at our events, Venues to be GEO Certified, Ethical procurement code, Tournament collateral to be repurposed (Wood, carpet, food, and signage), Cleaner transportation, use of Electric Vehicles into shuttles, Paperless ticketing and Raising awareness.

To view and read our Green Drive Sustainability Impact Report 2023, please click here.

The Green Drive programme

The Green Drive programme was launched on World Environment Day, June 5, 2021 and is being delivered with support from the GEO Foundation for Sustainable Golf (GEO) - a non-profit organisation dedicated to inspiring, supporting and recognising sustainability in and through golf around the world.

Green Drive focuses on three core pillars:
Lead by Example by integrating best practices into core operations, owned events and procurement, establishing Tour wide policies and tools, and activating new partnerships.
Support and Share by providing guidance and examples of best practice, and fostering a growing community of collective action and results.
Promote and Inspire by raising awareness, inspiring others and establishing a credible leadership position for golf in sustainable sport.

  • Green Drive: Sustainability Review 2023

    Green Drive: Sustainability Review 2023