First played:
Most wins:
Mats Lanner, 1994, 98
Consecutive wins:
Youngest winner:
Tano Goya, 20 and 294 days, 2009
Oldest winner:
Des Smyth, 48 and 34 days, 2001
Lowest 18 hole score:
60 (-12), Bradley Dredge, 2003
Lowest first 18 hole score:
62 (-10), Brad Kennedy, 2004
Lowest first 36 hole score:
132 (-12), Niclas Fasth, 2001, James Morrison, 2010
Lowest first 54 hole score:
198 (-18), James Morrison, 2008
Lowest 72 hole score:
268 (-20), James Morrison, 2010
Lowest under par winning score:
268 (-20), James Morrison, 2010
Lowest final round by a winner:
66 (-6), Des Smyth, 2001
Santiago Luna, 1995, Niclas Fasth, 2000
Largest 18 hole lead:
4 shots – Brad Kennedy, 2004
Largest 36 hole lead:
4 shots – Peter Mitchell, 1997, Pedro Linhart, 1999, Hennie Otto, 2008
Largest 54 hole lead:
8 shots – Bradley Dredge, 2003
Largest winning margin:
8 shots – Bradley Dredge, 2003
Biggest final round comeback by a winner:
5 shots – Jarmo Sandelin, 1996; Alastair Forsyth, 2008
Alastair Forsyth beat Hennie Otto, 2008
Paul Lawrie, 8th hole, round 2, 1994
Rolf Muntz, 8th hole, round 3, 1995
Per Haugsrud, 13th hole, round 1, 1996
Klas Eriksson, 13th hole, round 1, 1996
David Williams, 8th hole, round 1, 1996
Katsuyoshi Tomori, 4th hole, round 1, 1998
Rudi Sailer, 15th hole, round 1, 1998
Kevin Carissimi, 8th hole, round 4, 1999
Mark Sanders, 4th hole, round 4, 2003
Jamie Elson, 15th hole, round 1, 2004
Massimo Florioli, 8th hole, round 1, 2004
Steven Jeppesen, 8th hole, round 3, 2004
Markus Brier, 4th hole, round 1, 2005
Julien Clement, hole 8, round 4, 2005
Tom Whitehouse, hole 15, round 4, 2005
Gareth Paddison, hole 15, round 1, 2008
Bernd Wiesberger, hole 17, round 1, 2009
José-Filipe Lima, hole 5, round 3, 2009
Bernd Ritthammer, hole 7, round 2, 2010
Callum Macaulay, hole 9, round 2, 2010
Andrew Coltart, hole 11, round 1, 2005
Low cut:
144 (Level), 2001, 05, 06, 10
High cut:
152 (+8), 2003